Colin Kaepernick: Taking A Knee In Dystopian America
This article is framed through the dystopian lens of an America, which heuristically perceives African-American dissent as a heinous act of insolent disobedience, that must be met with instant retribution. The most recent, high-profile act of public dissent, was displayed by Colin Kaepernick, a former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, who in 2016, chose to kneel instead of stand for the US national Anthem, before participating in a preseason NFL game. Unsurprisingly, his silent protest catapulted him from sporting hero to sporting pariah. Hostility towards Kaepernick’s protest, was further exacerbated by his perceived political and ideological alignment, with Muhammed Ali, who in 1967 refused to enlist in the US army to fight against communism in Vietnam, while being denied constitutional rights at home. Consequentially, Ali was stripped of his heavy weight titles. Kaepernick’s critics are antagonised by the resurrection of strategically discarded memories of open insubordination by African-American sprinters, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, defiantly raised a black gloved fist, during the medal ceremony, in solidarity with African-Americans seeking equality and justice in racist America, a white lash that led to them being permanently suspended and excluded from the US track and field team.
Dystopian Punishment and Social Media
If social media, had existed during the good old whip em, lynch em, and castrate em days, media organizations such as Celebrate No Negroes (CNN); No Black Compensation (NBC); Federation of Organized Xenophobia (FOX); Academy of Black Censorship (ABC); Public Beating Service (PBS), they would have called for immediate action against Kaepernick for allegedly being uppity ungrateful and unpatriotic for disrespecting the flag.
Major organization organizations like WAASP and MAASSA [1] would be horrified and concerned that a millionaire athlete like Kaepernick, would have chosen to sacrifice his privileged life style in order to promote the highly radical activities of his despised “Know Your Right Organization” (KYRO)[2] which specializes in promoting democratic anti-slavery ideas, such as freedom, justice and equality, and most recently, reparations.
In parallel, the No Rights for Africans (NRA)[3] would have called for immediate action against him. MASSA and the NRA would claim that Kaepernick, illegally used his privileged meritorious manumission status, to illegally acquire literacy skills, in order to apply the dangerous emancipation philosophies of Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and the infamous Nat Turner. The MAASA lobby group would demand that the (Federation of Black Incarceration[4]) would subject Kaepernick to draconian track and trace surveillance protocol. Their fears are based on the premise that Kaepernick had illegally acquired literacy skills and illegally accessed Haitian websites that glorify the anti-WAASP slavery activities of Jamaicans, like Nanny, Sam Sharp and Toussaint L’ Ouverture
of Haiti. The radicalising influence of the Toussaint L’ Ouverture of Haiti, the leader of the Haitian Emancipation Management Party (HEMP)[5] and his anti (WAASP)[6] White African-American Slavery Purveyors, would be of great concern to MAASSA. Their fear is that Ouverture’s freedom philosophy is known to have radicalised and inspired disgruntled enslaved Africans to fight, defeat and liberate themselves from their former French slave masters.
The MAASSA lobby are concerned that members of the Haiti based HEMP’s would disseminate their anti (WAASP) doctrine through social media with KYRO and Black Slaves Matter (BSM). In order to pre-empt style revolt on mainland plantations, the (F.B.I.) would place Kaepernick and his known KYRO associates under surveillance. All cell phone and internet activity would be monitored, recorded and analysed by specialist teams.
As far as MAASSA is concerned, members of KYRO and Black Slave Matter (BSM) are using their illegal access to online networks to recruit new members to maintain the loyalty of existing members. Fearful of slave radicalization by social media, MAASSA would demand the closure of illegal dark web sites such as Emancipation News;;;;; and The aforementioned websites are known to have a gruesome reputation for live streaming the capture, torture and execution of WAASP’s. Furthermore, MAASSA’s greatest fear, is that self-radicalised Colin Kaepernick could inspire a new generation of woke and freedom fighters, to emulate the machete wielding activities of Nat Turner, who’s social media pages, and, unashamedly encourages their followers to update and practice their meat carving skills on all WAASP’s including some members of the (NAACP) The National Association for the Advancement of Collaborators and Puppets.
Banning the Afro.
Colin Kaepernick’s Afro is perceived as a symbol of rebellion. In order to minimise the radicalization potential of Colin Kaepernick’s protest, Afro’s would be banned, including, cane rows and dreadlocks. Furthermore, the purchase, possession and distribution of Afro-combs would be restricted to slaves, formally approved by No Rights For Africans, (N.R.A.) a highly influential anti slave emancipation, lobby group first established in 1690. The legal ownership and possession of an Afro comb would only be granted, to those that have successfully completed the Meritorious Manumission tests designed and approved by the (F.B.I.) 7 Fraternity of Black Impediments. Final approval, of Afro comb ownership would be subject to excellent references from approved subjugators such as a slave master, overseer or slave patrol officer. Applicants accused of having associations with Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, or have attended anti-slavery radicalisation programmes, such as “Know Your Rights will be rejected. Descendants of Ali, Angela Davis, Hughie Newton including descendants of Nat Turner or any other party involved in slave revolts and their associates past and present, need NEVER apply. To date, the N.R.A. has yet to formally approve any application.
Arrest and Subdue
The authorities are aware of Kaepernick’s hero status, therefore any action that serves to elevate him from hero status to martyr status, would be avoided at all costs. The last thing slave masters would want is widespread slave revolts, property damage, financial loss and the loss of white life, all because of uppity negroes like Kaepernick. The more strategic slave owners, affiliated with MAASSA would adopt terror threat, management strategies, as outlined in federal codes, which stipulate that former Meritorious Manumission individuals like Kaepernick, must be used as a live propaganda tool, to be publicly paraded at strategic plantations points, usually with high visibility. The goal would be to dehumanise Kaepernick and delegitimise his protest by displaying a bald, caged and chained Kaepernick, in standing position, wearing the USA flag, while listening to a PA system, playing the US national anthem out loud. This display of a subdued Kaepernick would act as a reinforcing stimulus, a sort of psychological deterrent, intended to encourage adaptive behaviours among those at risk of being radicalised by the despised “Slave Lives Matters”, an organisation which actively encourages enslaved people to engage in illegal emancipation activities. Once the propaganda parade had been completed, slave masters would be required to transport Kaepernick by open horse and cart to a state designated and approved Narcissist Fraternal League (N.F.L.)[7] stadium, filled with enslaved people and their owners. On arrival, Kaepernick would be escorted by slave patrol officers to a locker room, on lynch row, in preparation for his impending public humiliation and demise.
Exclusive invitations to this eagerly anticipated event, would be sent by Klan-mail to sponsors with most favoured status, through Fox News9 and MAASSA 8 General tickets would be available through and On the day of this co-sponsored Haterslave event, a bald headed Kaepernick, wearing apparel emblazed with the number 1619 would be forced to stand and listen to the American national anthem, while wearing a rope tied around his neck. His demise by rope, would be the penultimate highlight. After lethal measures had been applied, sponsors, VIP spectators would be invited to take pictures for distribution to be shared on whites only social media platforms such as Insta-hang; Insta-lynch; Whip-it; Whipper, Lynched-in; Trumpedup; Whitebook, and White-Opedia. Access to limited edition merchandise and previously unseen images, would be made available for those who could not attend this monumental MAASSA and Haterslave sponsored event. For those eager to buy, sell or exchange related merchandise, the NFL would recommend the use of auction site MassaBay. Unfortunately, MassaBay only accepts payments processed through SlavePlay and MasserCard.
If modern America could legally bar African-Americans from accessing the internet it would. The premise of this sentiment, is that despite having so called constitutional rights, the posts of African-American on social media are excessively monitored censored, and in many instances removed from mainstream social media sites, for simply expressing views that challenge the status quo, on issues such as voting rights, civil rights police brutality. As usual, exceptions are always made for those who willing to, reaffirm white supremacy theories, in exchange for economic butter biscuits and gravy, especially popular entertainers such as Koonye West, Ice Khun, 50-No cents, including Silly-Wayne, and of course Coondice Owens.
Colin Kaepernick refused to play ball, and that’s why his sporting slave masters conspired and colluded against him, to ensure he never plays for the American National Football League ever again. Sponsors may have compensated him, the NFL may have brought his silence, and effectively ended his career. In reality, the ideal scenario for his detractors, would be for him to simply, pick that cotton, bail that hay, shut and play ball or go away. Unfortunately, their wish is unlikely to ever be granted.
#Take A Knee: A Collection of Essays Influenced By The Political Awakening of Colin Kaepernick
Author: Delroy Constantine-Simms
Publisher: Think Doctor Publications 2020
ISBN: 1640070117, 9781640070110
Length: 1178 pages
[1] Make African-Americans Slaves Again
[2] Know Your Right Organization
[3] No Rights for Africans
[4] Federation of Black Incarceration
[5] Haitian Emancipation Management Party
[6] White African American Slavery Purveyors, 7 Fraternity of Black Impediments
[7] (Make. African. Americans. Silent. Slaves Again)