Dan Patricks Call to Eliminate Tenure Over Critical Race Theory is an Assault on Academic Freedom and a Ploy to Inflame a Culture War in Texas

2 min readFeb 22, 2022


Posted February 17th, 2022 for Texas Democratic Party

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Lt. Governor Patrick’s attack on higher education is yet another tactic being used by Texas Republicans to wage a culture war in our state. Today, the victims of their unethical behavior are teachers, students, knowledge, and truth itself.

“Patrick’s latest attack is an attempt to control how college students learn about the history of race and racism in the United States. His sadistic plan begins by suppressing the freedom of professors: eliminating tenure and using the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” as a justification of cause for review of employment at public colleges and universities in Texas.

“Patrick is using the conservative trigger phrase, “Critical Race Theory ” to gain support of his latest agenda to destroy our education system. All in an attempt to gain political points in his upcoming primary election. This stunt is not only offensive and racist, it is a false narrative being used to keep Texans divided and a way for Patrick to increase his popularity among a right-winged base of extremists who promote book banning and many of whom do not even understand the concept of “Critical Race Theory(CRT)”. CRT is a college level academic concept not taught in public primary education and is many times confused with teaching history or social studies.

“The only way to stop Republicans like Patrick from undermining our education system, and to keep us from losing the best and brightest students and educators who make our state great, is to vote him out this November.

“We are seeing a rise of extremism in our country, especially in Texas where Republican politicians are seizing every opportunity to pander to this ideology in hopes of staying in power. From now until November, Texas Democrats will be working every single day to kick Dan Patrick and other Texas Republicans seeking to destroy our prosperity out of office. We must all show up this election and fight to take back Texas — our future depends on it.”




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